
Project development 1-- micro-film

"This is the “micro” era. After the appearance of micro-novels and micro-blogs, micro-films are now becoming popular now. Micro-films are the product of the combination of traditional films and online videos, “micro” being the main characteristic. In terms of time span,  micro-films can be anywhere between two or three minutes, to twenty or thirty minutes long; unlike traditional films which can be two to three hours in length. From the production perspective, it does not consume as much time, energy, and resources  as it would to produce a traditional movie. Its production period is short, investment is less and the access threshold is relatively low.Therefore, many grass-roots artists have the opportunity to join in the production of micro-films.Regarding film screening, the difference between micro-films and traditional films is the mode of projection. Instead of film theaters, Micro-films are usually broadcast on the internet and viewable on cell phones or other popular devices, making them more accessible to the general public. " 
                                                                                                                                  ---- artical 'Micro films in vogue' (http://www.myechinese.com/apps/lib/index.php?s=/Topic/topic/gid/12/tid/1243)

This comes to my attention that micro-film could be a good medium for my research topic due to the following 2 reasons: 1; the length of it is relatively short and it is feasible for a MA stage study with limited equipments, budget and crew. 2; with the help of new media platform ( video websites, smart phones, tablets and so on), it provides variety of new channels for reaseaching, especially on feedback collection winthin a broad range of viewers.

This is a good example of micro-film on Vimeo called ' On Wedenesdays' shot in 2 days and be nominated as a Best Lithuanian Short at the National Film and TV Awards, and finally qualified for The Short Film Corner in the International Cannes Film festival. It is 02:53 mins long, no conversation involved and produced with fantastic quality.


