
Film case research: Almost a love story (1996)

‘Almost a love story’ was a huge success in the year 1996 which won 16 major film awards in Hong Kong and the mainland China. With the historical background of the reunification of Hong Kong, the director Peter Chan depicted a heart-broken love story between two lonely and helpless young people, and, more importantly, conveyed a manifestation of attitudes towards life, love and fortune in that particular period of time.   


Xiaojin Li comes to Hong Kong along from the mainland China with his dream: work hard, make a lot of money and marry his fiancée Ting, yet he can neither speak Cantonese nor English, life in Hong Kong is not a fantasy as he imagines before. Whilst he is seeking a job, he gets to know a beautiful girl Qiao who works in the McDonalds. Qiao, as an immigrant worker from mainland China as well, has a much bigger dream than Li—become a real ‘Hong Konger’ and be respected by the local residence. Life is harsh and they gradually become a strong support to each other. No surprise, they fall in love in the bustling metropolis. As many other romantic stories go, good time doesn’t last long in this film. The relationship perplexed Qiao because she is far from reconciled to what Li is able to offer, she realizes she will never get comfy and steady life in this island with this man. She chooses to leave, marry an ugly gang leader who is end up dying on the street. Years later, they meet in New York again, story ends.




Tragedy and base on reality


“…by blending history with fiction or legend, the personal with the political, in a narrative pattern characterized by a bipolar structure that is typical Chinese.” 1 Different from the fever of action, comedy and Rags to Riches topics in the western film industry, Chinese filmmakers pay more attention on the nonentities such as peasants, factory workers and poor people who are painful and struggling for a better life and happiness, especially in a particular historical period of time like world war two and political upheaval or events (Hong Kong reunited).  In the year 1905, the first Chinese film “Dingjun Mountain” was produced in Shanghai which was adapted by a traditional Peking Opera, revolving around a story of brave Chinese soldiers fight against the invasion of the Japanese. Thus, the key tune of Chinese film has been determined. In this film ‘ Almost a love story’, the confusion of Li and Qiao was once lived in everyone’s mind— Happiness only exists when you have milk and bread in your blanket, but for the people in mainland China of the entire 80’s, poverty and starvation were the main society issue that was impossible to ignore. One of the best shot in this film, in my opinion, is at the beginning, when Li first stepped on the land of Hong Kong and takes an escalator with a lot of luggage with him, he stands towards a beam of strong sunlight, tired and lonely. The scene was shown in black and white for a strong contrast, full of bitter and sorrow.  

                    Teresa Teng
The most important clue goes through this Chinese classic film is a song named “sweet” by one of the significant singer Teresa Teng (1953-1995). It is a soft, cheerful love song which brings positive energy to young people for a whole generation. Xiaojun and Qiao start to know each other because they both love this song, they sell Teresa’s albums on the street, and one of the best memories, Qiao sits on Xiaojun’s bike, singing “ sweet” together. This tune, in my opinion, is the symbol of the emotions between this two, furthermore, of all lost people in the time. Most of classic Hollywood films have always worked to men as the active and powerful heroes while the women they love are always waiting to be rescued. Chinese filmmakers more likely to focus on the inner world of women—they might not smart, talented, sometimes they get themselves in trouble, but they are not as weak as we imagine. In this film, Qiao is the one with ideals and desires, the director depicted a perfect poetry for “ woman in new century” .

