
Project summary-- difficulties

This is the summary for some obstacles I encountered while producing the project 'A perfect normal day'

  • Script

This is the first attempt for me to write a script for short film. In the beginning I have read a plenty of articles and books in terms of skills and tips for creating a character and enrich its personality. For a truly effective screenplay, there must be a comprehensive context developed for any character such as backgrounds, culture, occupation, relationships and so on. Trivial and banalities are sometimes keys to shape a convincing figure. In film <The way we are> the director rebuilt a vivid environment of Tin Shui Wei community in Hong Kong where ordinary people (especially paupers) are living a relatively prosperous and contented life. Yet there is no major turning point in the whole film, it is clear that the idea director Ann tried to convey was the authentic living state, psychology and interpersonal relation. In my script ‘A perfect normal day’ I developed a background for the female character ‘Ann’: She is 67-year-old who was born and raised in Nottingham; she worked as a waitress in a coffee shop before she retired; when she was 22 she married a local fireman Martin Russell but he died in a fire in the year 1963 which was 5 years after their wedding. She has no children and lives a lonely life since then. The only person often pays visit to her is her niece Rachel, but Ann is not very fond of her…… After set the tone of the character I started to form the shape of the story, I have modified the story for seven times under the guidance of my supervisor Phil Nodding: I was still trying to find the right direction while writing the first two versions, set a dramatic reunion as the postman is the boy Ann’s husband saves before he died. The third version is the fundament of further changes—the story was basically there but both my supervisor and I were not sure about the ending of Ann saying  “ Clever move, son.” My actress Anna Mottram has more than forty years experience of stage play, after read the script she suggested that I don’t have to write too much conversations and make it almost a monologue. If there is too much talk she will not have enough space to perform and convey the character via facial continence, gestures and movements. “Sometimes less is more” is the number one rule she taught me—we together worked out the ending as the two figures: without saying anything, they sit on the sofa and smiled knowingly at each other since Ann already indicates that she knows postman Joe pretended to hurt his ankle by a doubtful “really” in a high-pitched voice. 

  • Cast

One of the difficulties of this project was to find suitable performers. Owing to the reason that “Ann” is the spirit of the story, I determined to find a professional actress for it. This is a student project and my budget was tight, it is hard to find someone who is doing it for a living. Luckily my supervisor Phil introduced Tanya Myers—an actress and director based in Nottingham to me. At that moment she was directing her stage show <Inside out of mind> in the lakeside centre in the University of Nottingham. After the show she took me to the actors and actresses thus I had the chance to hand out my scripts and introduce myself (it took me a long time to braced myself to do this ) and this project to them. After several days waiting I received emails and calls from three actresses showed their interest in performing character “Ann”. The best candidate turned out to be Anna Mottram -- a professional actress based in London and she has achieved a successful career in the industry for more than four decades. Two weeks later we had a meet up in London to discuss about the script and shooting schedule. She did not only gave me opinions on the language, but also encouraged me to be confident and calm on what I was doing.

In terms of finding the actor I had asked information from several tutors and my supervisors Phil, unfortunately I mixed those information up and missed the junior workshop. As a result I had to ask my course mate Mic for help. But his personality matched the character well and the video was highlighted by his performance. 

