
Interview shooting skill session in Broadway cinema log

Today the session was about the rechnique and skills to film an interview in and outside door. Interview is a basic element in documentaries and TV programmes. Some DSLR can produce good quality of video but there is no way to get rid of the noise when record with the internal microphone. That means external recorders are needed in order to add a clear sound track at the editing stage. The basic types of microphone are: omnidirectional, cardioid and shotgun.  Meanwhile, the composition of the picture is also a key component.  We were required to find a ideal filming location and produce a short interview by the equipments borrowed from Waveley shop. 

Storyboard workshop log

Sequence from film  "Rain man"


Supervisor meeting log--verbal feedback

Agenda: a verbal feedback of proposal
Tutor: Phil Nodding, David Downes
Summary of discussion:

In regarding to my subject of study "A study of micro-film language, dialogue and cultural environment" and reseach question "The feasibility of non-dialogue film in the micro-film format" , David gave me his opinions and suggestions. First of all, the topic is too wide for reseaching, and the subject contradicts to the reseach question itself. He was confused about how it works when I mentioned language, dialogue and cultural environment at the same time and then but my emphases on ' non-dialogue' elements in films later. Phil concerned that when I brought out this research question it was already been proved when the film was invented at the first time, it kept for almost 30 years before the sound track was put on. In recent years many smart ideas were shown in silent films in a variety of countries. In this case it is unnecessary to prove this point of view again. Secondly, micro-film is a fangle in this industry, lack of exsting documents and materials for reseaching would be a insurmountable problem. In a ward, both of the subject and the reseach question  need to be changed.
The new topic could be:How to expand the acceptance of films to viewers who have different cultrual backgrounds regarding to the approaches of a variety of elements.  Not only talk about conversations, but also discuss the technique area and script and so on.

The proposal will be rewrite in this week.


Workshop coursework-- create characters

Tutor: Jools Ayodeji

Task: Observe two people and create two characters

Time: 02:15 am 16/11/2012 Fri

location: outside the pub ‘Black cherry’ in town


A young girl (around 20 years old ) was standing outside the pub, smoking while chatting with her friends. She was a white girl with long curl ginger hair, cute freckles on her face, red lips and a small tattoo of the peace logo on her ankle. There were a lot of sprinkles on her black dress. She might be a first year university student who was just moved out from her parents house, free in a new city, having a night out with her course mates. It was easy to tell that she had some alcohol already in her stomach because she started to wobble around on her high heels when I met her. She looked happy and enjoyed herself that night.


Time : 05:40 pm 22/11/2012

Location: in front of the NatWest ATM machine outside the Victoria center


He was a white man around 25-30 years old with a black suit and white shirt inside. His tie was pulled loose and his collar hung open. He looks exhausted and waiting in the cue to get some cash. He might be a freshman in a office, had a tough day and be told off by his boss. It started the drizzle rain, he put his brief case on his head to protect his suit and new leather shoes. At that moment what in his mind was to get some cash in order to buy himself a cheese burger and going back home having some rest.


Life of Pi

'Life of Pi' is one of the films I am looking forward to the most next year. Director Ang Li brings a fushion of fantastic story and incrediblely beautiful picture in this latest work. At the same time, he adept the elements from different cultrual environment, break the traditional pattern of commecial films, that is, in my opinion, very brave action in this industry.

Suppervisor meeting log

Agenda: proposal and respective journal

Today Phil talked about our proposal. Regarding to my research topic "A study of microfilm language,dialogue and cultural environment" he thought it may comes to a very wild range and it is a better way for reaserching to focus on a more particular direction in it. He suggested that when doing the experimental works I can create 2 different versions of microfilms with the same storyline, thus a comparison could be made in order to  research the reaction from my viewers. Quastionaire can be a good helper for collecting feedbacks in terms of the use in each element(such as music, acting, film tech, location, light and so on).

Good film recommendation: Argo(2012)


Cold or warm? Zombie films on their way!

Zombie is one of the hottest subjects in western film industry for centruries. Dating back to the year 1932, since the first zombie film 'White Zombie' was filmed and produced in Haiti, this ugly, undead and creepy creature  soon became the best spokesman for horror films and be accepted by more and more people in the worldwide range. In recent years there's no lack of classics with big budget and ingenious storyline. In the coming year 2013, There are two new zombie films on the way. ' World war Z' and ' Warm bodies'.

Non-dialogue short film study

Here are some good examples of non-dialogue microfilms.

Portal: No Escape (Live Action Short Film by Dan Trachtenberg) 

When a film was produced without conversations, other elements play more important role in building up the storyline and explaining everything to the viewers. In 'Portal', the filming location is a cell, nothing in it but a bed and a mirror on the wall. From the marks on the wall we know that she is being locked here for a long time. She is taking excersice everyday because she never give up the hope to escape. The music is powerful, everything contributes to transfer the ideas and keep the suspence.


Merry Christmas NTU!

This week Shenlin, Sadaat,Sherry and me were working on a project about interactive media. The main idea is about producing 12 different short clips, with the connection of a telephone and touch screen computers, people are able to press buttons on the telephone to watch the clips. We filmed different people around the Boningtons building such as  lecturers, students ( international students speaking different languages),cashiers of a shop, reception lady, the fruit pedler and so on. Next week we are going to edit the clips, decorate the display area and get the work done. 

This project is a good opportunity for us to gain experience before our research work, we discussed and exchanged ideas, made a plan, borrowed equipment from the Waveley shop for the first time and had a great time worked in a team.
Film production is relied on team works and collaboration.It is important for us  learn how to show respects to the other team members and keep our words. Only when we have a good relationship with other team members can we work in a good mood. 

Proposal modification

Date: 16-11-2012
Tutor: Carla Grimley
Content: one to one discussion with proposal writing

Today Carla and I discussed my research topic and checked the grammar of proposal writing. She also gave me some adivises about writing words and quatation. Hereby is the proposal modification with tips from Carla.

Name: Xiaoyu Liu (N0463029)


Course: MA Film Practice




What is your subject of study?


A study of micro-film language, dialogue and cultural environment


What is your research question?


The feasibility of non-dialogue film in the micro-film format


Research aim(s):

What are the overall aims of the project?


The aim of this research is to study the impact of dialogue and other non-linguistic components in micro-films delivered via different new media platforms. During this research experimental micro-films will be produced.


Research objectives(s):

What are the specific tangible project objectives?

Note: these are separate to what you personally need to learn in terms of skills and knowledge, see learning objectives below.


1.    Research films in different languages and cultural environments, analyse the features of the films.

2.    Review existing researches, books, articles, film appreciation and reflect journal writing.

3.    Work on 2-3 experimental works during the study.

4.    Produce non-dialogue micro-films with a final piece of about 10 minutes in length.



·         What is the wider context of your project?


‘Now that we can photograph our loved ones, not only in stillness, but as they move, as they act, as they making familiar gestures, as they speak… Death cease to be absolute.’ --- La Poste de Paris[1]

As the French movie pioneer stated, movies are a revolutionary form of art which affect everyone’s life since 1889. In the year 1910, Thomas Alva Edison put a sound track on the right side of the traditional 16mm film, which was the end of a silent world in this industry. Nowadays, as the pace of cultural collision and fusion is getting faster and faster, we are being getting more exposed to films from other countries in a variety of different languages and cultural environment. The role dialogues play in films has come to our attention, is it possible to let our audiences be saturated in a complete story without dialogues? This is the question I need to work on during this research stage.


·         How does the project relate to your previous experience/practice?


My major on previous degree study stage was broadcast and media production, that helped me lay a solid foundation on both sound and vision producing. In this case I would like to change my research direction on the MA stage to the narrative field. With a wider range of knowledge on all aspects of film research I will be more confident in the future.


·         How does it relate to relevant current practices, debates and theory?


     At present, many scholars have done researches work in terms of the relation between film and dialogue. Sarah Kozloff devoted her opinions on the function of dialogues in the book ‘Overhearing Film Dialogue’ (2000) as: anchorage of the diegesis and characters; communication of narrative causality; enactment of narrative events; character revelation; adherence to the code of realism and control of viewer evaluation and emotions. Based on the previous research, my research lays particular emphasis on non-linguistic components in micro-films which relatively rare in this area.



·         Why is the intended research significant? (So what?)


There is no doubt that dialogue, as one of the crucial components, serves important functions within a film's story. However, it also becomes a main reason for a restriction in understanding. Non-dialogue films provide an alternative way for audiences, especially those who use different languages, to understand and be infected with film’s the unique atmosphere.  By way of illustration ‘Mr. Bean’ is one of the most famous English comedy brands not only within the UK, but also worldwide.  With exaggerated body language this character grew to be the iconic character in the media history of this country. Faced with this realm of possibility that filmmakers are able to transfer their ideas towards a wider range of viewers with different cultural backgrounds, I think this research topic worth its own value. Meanwhile, dialogues sometimes dragged too much attention from viewers than the other elements such as the subtext of the story, the tactile appeal of pictures, music, special effects and so on. A non-dialogue film is more engaged on the essence of film itself.


·         How does this project relate to your plans for the future?


Microfilm, as a newborn medium of art, has a prodigious potential. 

This research provides me with a superior opportunity to get involved in this industry, as well as to accumulate experience and to become ready to work as a producer in a film company.




David Cheshire (2005) ‘The Book of Movie Photography—the complete guide to better moviemaking’


Sarah Kozloff (2000) ‘Overhearing Film Dialogue’




Cite essential background or contextual material using the Harvard System of referencing


Peter Greasley (2011) ‘ Doing Essays & Assignments—Essential Tips for students’


Paul Wheeler (2007) ‘High definition cinematography’ Second Edition


Professor Bert Cardullo (2011) ‘World Directors in Dialogue: Conversations on Cinema’




Experimental work--colour1

Color is one of the most important elements in any films, TV shows and even, music video not only because it brings viewers the direct impression, but also because it's the main reason of the 'temperature' and mood of the whole piece of work. For instance, red is the best color for Chines, it represents luck, happiness and bless, so brides wear red dresses on their wedding day. In this O2 advert  there is a theme running all though-- blue, this is a good example of the power of color in media works.

In the music video 'Try' (by Pink), it is clear the colorful powder on the characters is a sign of mood. I think this idea of color can be used in my first experimental work. 


Script analysis for Deborah's workshop

Plot ( Based on my imagination)

Time: December 2010

Location: an abandoned warehouse in London

Characters:  Miss C and the scientist


She, AKA Miss C, is the head of this terrorist organization. Today she obviously loses her patient when her underlings tell her that one of the best nuclear scientists in this country is caught. With the launch code in his mind the government has to provide anything she requires, to save the people in this land. The script starts from Miss C tortures the scientist in order to get the launch code.



“He is sweating. Hard. She stands impassive. Unconcerned.

He rubs his wrist and we see he is chained to the chair. ”

This is the exposition at the beginning of this script, indicates the atmosphere of this scene, nervous, he knows what she wants from him and no matter he says it or not he won’t be alive. She is a cold-blooded woman and wants something or some information from him.


“Are you sure you wouldn’t like a drink? (smile) Never too late to change your mind.”

She seems talks about drink but in fact she is sending the information to the man to tell her what she really wants. She smiles in this situations is a signal of her personality—cold-blooded.


(Afraid) “ I swear, I swear. Please. Stop. Please?”

He is very scary and desperate. Maybe he doesn’t know, maybe he can’t say.


“She (Placing a briefcase in front of the chair) Shush. Be quite quiet. It will no longer be necessary to lie.”

There must be something fatal in the briefcase, like poison needle, or chain saw. She loses her patience and prepares to take action.


“I have here a malac. God it’s beautiful. Could you hold him please? Man steps out of the shadows and forces he’s hand horizontal.”

She seems very skillful for doing this, and she is not the only one, she has an underling around helps her.




This is a mystery, crime and action movie shot in 3D format starring Tom Cruise and Natalie Portman. The best production team of Hollywood will be hired in order to give a best quality of editing and special effects presenting. With the amazing visual effects and major box-office appeal of actor and actress, I believe this film will be a smash on the worldwide market.


Camera operating intro

Today we had a general introduction about how to operating a DSLR for filming (Conan 7D and 600D) and the lighting equipment in Waverley shop.


 1. Rolling shutter and jelly effect when filming a moving object.
 2. The basic camera setting, proper aperture (F Stops), Shutter speed, ISO and     Dof.
 3. Try keep the ISO within 100-400 or stick with the setting (avoid grainy)
 4. Always use manual when record a video.
 5. Use ND filter to adjust the color temperature.
 6. Never touch the light with bare hands.



Supervisor meeting Log

Agenda: Proposal outlines discussion, documentry and reality, areana as character

Today we 5 girls had a pleased discussion with our supervisor Phil about ideas in regarding to our projects. Everyone came up with intersting imagines in mind, although some of them sounded not practical but we exchanced thoughts and inspired each other.

"Lauguage environment of film" is the general idea of my research direction at the moment. "What role lauguage plays in a film?" As an international student I am from a totally different lauguage and cultural environment, it is hard to neglect the impact of lauguage in films. Is English the dominant lauguage in this field? Can I shoot a micro-film without any conversation? Those would be the main questions in the future study process.


This is a good example of silence micro-film on Vimeo. The filmmakers tried to a new prespective of tthe topic of zombie--children. Perfect combination of light and sound, very impressive.