
Supervisor meeting Log

Agenda: Proposal outlines discussion, documentry and reality, areana as character

Today we 5 girls had a pleased discussion with our supervisor Phil about ideas in regarding to our projects. Everyone came up with intersting imagines in mind, although some of them sounded not practical but we exchanced thoughts and inspired each other.

"Lauguage environment of film" is the general idea of my research direction at the moment. "What role lauguage plays in a film?" As an international student I am from a totally different lauguage and cultural environment, it is hard to neglect the impact of lauguage in films. Is English the dominant lauguage in this field? Can I shoot a micro-film without any conversation? Those would be the main questions in the future study process.


This is a good example of silence micro-film on Vimeo. The filmmakers tried to a new prespective of tthe topic of zombie--children. Perfect combination of light and sound, very impressive.

