
Supervisor meeting log--verbal feedback

Agenda: a verbal feedback of proposal
Tutor: Phil Nodding, David Downes
Summary of discussion:

In regarding to my subject of study "A study of micro-film language, dialogue and cultural environment" and reseach question "The feasibility of non-dialogue film in the micro-film format" , David gave me his opinions and suggestions. First of all, the topic is too wide for reseaching, and the subject contradicts to the reseach question itself. He was confused about how it works when I mentioned language, dialogue and cultural environment at the same time and then but my emphases on ' non-dialogue' elements in films later. Phil concerned that when I brought out this research question it was already been proved when the film was invented at the first time, it kept for almost 30 years before the sound track was put on. In recent years many smart ideas were shown in silent films in a variety of countries. In this case it is unnecessary to prove this point of view again. Secondly, micro-film is a fangle in this industry, lack of exsting documents and materials for reseaching would be a insurmountable problem. In a ward, both of the subject and the reseach question  need to be changed.
The new topic could be:How to expand the acceptance of films to viewers who have different cultrual backgrounds regarding to the approaches of a variety of elements.  Not only talk about conversations, but also discuss the technique area and script and so on.

The proposal will be rewrite in this week.


